What is Sports Medicine And What Are The Benefits

What is Sports Medicine And What Are The Benefits

Sports medicine is basically defined as the field of medicine that deals with injuries that are experienced during athletic endeavors and illnesses, emerging out of various types of sporting performances.

The recent influx of information on the subject and massive funds and efforts being invested into the research in the field has often led to the emergence of the question that what is sports medicine in actual practice.
In the further sections, we've explained the concept of sports medicine in detail, along with a brief explanation of all its major allied aspects.

Key Aspects

There are two main dimensions involved in the actual practice of sports medicine. The answer to the query, what is sports medicine in medical practice, lies in the following two main aspects:
i) Treatment of illnesses, injuries and disorders
ii) Prevention of injuries and illnesses, promoted through careful planning and analysis of injury-causing factors.

The Team

In the earlier years, the sports medicine advice and guidance was just provided by the team physician, who worked primarily with college, professional and other elite caliber athletes.
However, the answer to the concern, what is sports medicine has undergone a metamorphosis in the last few years. Now the practice of sports medicine involves a comprehensive team of health care professionals who are trained in a variety of backgrounds, including the likes of:
* Athletic training
* Biomechanics
* Exercise physiology
* Physical therapy
* Nursing
* Sport psychology
* Nutrition
The Consumer Groups
There are a vast series of consumer groups and patients that benefit from the practice of sports medicine.
Perhaps the most effective answer to the query what is sports medicine lies in its benefit and service to the various sections of athletes, sportspersons and even non-athletes.
Below we've listed and explained the main groups of consumers and patients who are benefited by the practice of sports medicine.
1) Physical therapists
The efforts and treatment plans of physical therapists are often supplemented well by the techniques of sports medicine. Sports medicine professionals who further qualify as athletic trainers are eligible to work with team physicians, exercise physiologists, physical therapists and coaches as well.
2) Research Specialists
The advances in the field of sports medicine are being increasingly applied for the benefit of research and study campaigns. The sports medicine specialists who function as biomechanists are being increasingly employed in research and clinical settings, adding a new dimension to the study of the concern what is sports medicine.
3) Corporates and Individuals
Sports medicine specialists are also increasingly being employed by and benefiting both individuals as well as corporates in commercial settings. Working as exercise physiologists, these sports medicine specialists are applying their knowledge to improve or maintain health, fitness and performance in these settings.
Other consumer groups benefiting from the services of the field of sports medicine include:
* Sportspersons, in various categories
* Health workers
* Centers for the disabled
* Individuals with temporary physical disability, owing to diseases and ailments
